Sunday, February 09, 2014

A word about ROH and TNA Draws 2009-2013

I pulled Wrestling Observer stats June 2008-Jan 2014 from the results section so I could look at WWE Draws:

Switching over to ROH, the dataset is obviously far more limited (than WWE)

June 2008-Dec 2008: 18 shows (632 avg) and 3 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2009-Dec 2009: 30 shows (740 avg) and 16 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2010-Dec 2010: 20 shows (593 avg) and 15 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2011-Dec 2011: 16 shows (528 avg) and 3 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2012-Dec 2012: 16 shows (481 avg) and 2 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2013-Dec 2013: 27 shows (497 avg) and 2 other shows (no attendance listed)
Jan 2014: 2 shows (900 avg)

So, from this perspective, they've been fairly flat since 2010, but you could argue by running more shows and actually increasing their average attendance over the prior year, they were actually up.

When you look at it in terms of total annual attendance (avg x # of shows)...

Total ROH Attendance
2009: 51 shows x 740 avg = 37,740
2010: 41 shows x 593 avg = 24,313
2011: 28 shows x 528 avg = 14,784
2012: 29 shows x 481 avg = 13,949
2013: 33 shows x 497 avg = 16,401

(To count ROH shows for this final calc - which you'll see is higher than the # of WO results -- I looked at the combination of The History of WWE and the WO Results. Note: some NJPW/PWG/1PW/AIW shows are in the ROH results, so I took those out of my count. I used the History of WWE count for 2009-2012 but their 2013 results are incomplete, so I used the cross-referenced the two sources and came up with 33 shows.)

For comparison, TNA average (using WO results) is a lot higher - more shows, and more people per show.

June 2008-Dec 2008: 36 shows (1188 average) and 35 other shows
Jan 2009-Dec 2009: 61 shows (1198 average) and 49 other shows
Jan 2010-Dec 2010: 67 shows (1284 average) and 51 other shows
Jan 2011-Dec 2011: 74 shows (1314 average) and 58 other shows
Jan 2012-Dec 2012: 58 shows (1064 average) and 69 other shows
Jan 2013-Dec 2013: 60 shows (1493 average) and 30 other shows
Jan 2014-Feb 2014: 13 shows (1723 average)

So, we're looking at at least twice as much per show, and twice as many shows.

Total TNA Attendance
2009: 131,769 (110 shows)
2010: 151,556 (118 shows)
2011: 173,416 (132 shows)
2012: 135,102 (127 shows)
2013: 134,325 (90 shows)

This was based completely on WO Results for TNA Shows and may be missing some PPVs.


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The problem with your calculation is that you're not taking into account the fact that TNA doesn't get any gate from their tapings at Universal. When fans actually have to PAY to go to the show, ROH usually outdraws TNA.

  2. Actually, your statement isn't correct. I wasn't including the Orlando tapings in my calculations.

    Have a look at the state/country year-by-year averages:
